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Breakaway Daily Interview: Author Gillian V. Harris Tackles Reincarnation, Multiple Dimensions & TV Series Lost in New Book

Breakaway Daily Interview: Author Gillian V. Harris Tackles Reincarnation, Multiple Dimensions & TV Series Lost in New Book

Breakaway Magazine


When Gillian Harris was thirteen, she knew she was special — and that there was more to this world than meets the eye. She was having visions of another lifetime in another place that could only be explained as clairvoyance. Though she didn’t completely understand it at the time, she knew the young man she was seeing in her head was her — like knowing her reflection in a mirror.

Inspired, she spent her life learning about our nature as spirit beings in an eternal existence — and when she discovered the award-winning television show Lost, she saw an opportunity to use the metaphysical masterpiece as a structure for a conversation about life and, more importantly, about life after life.

In The Secrets of Lost, Harris uses the characters, plots, and themes of Lost to help explain what happens when a spirit leaves its physical body. Also woven throughout the book are numerous personal journal entries that chronicle her understanding of the eternity of life and our simultaneous existence across multiple dimensions. For fans of Jane Roberts, James Von Praagh, and Anita Moorjani, this book is for anyone seeking deeper answers about the true nature of humanity.


BREAKAWAY DAILY: What was your inspiration behind The Secrets of Lost: The Validity of
Multidimensional Existence?

GILLIAN: Two things: 1) Its long been my life
purpose, this incarnation, to share with as many people as possible the
validity of multi-dimensional existence particularly for the purpose of
bringing peace of mind to people who are grieving lost loved ones or people who
are afraid of so-called ‘death’. My goal has been to contribute this “peace” by
showing the masses how life is eternal and that we are multi-dimensional spirit
beings 2) I saw the TV Series Lost and saw how I could use the show as a
springboard for the discussion of life after life, parallel lives and other
multi-dimensional and metaphysical truths!


Have you always had an interest in the
spiritual and metaphysical?  

An interest? Not always. When I was a kid,
I had involvement in the metaphysical without being truly interested. In fact,
some of the multi-dimensional experiences I had, totally freaked me out! Like
astral projection without warning; constant intuitive activity that I didn’t
ask for.  I remember being in 3rd grade
(8 years old) coming home from school. I almost remember verbatim the prayer I
said asking for these things to STOP! They did stop happening immediately and
for a while. It seems I was then given time, to grow into the interest which
started at around 11 or 12 years old. That’s when I read my grown-up book from
cover to cover. The title was: Mental Telepathy.


What are your credentials that would lend credibility in writing a book focused
on such topics?


I am a certified Spiritual Healer, Reiki
Master-Teacher, an Ordained Minister and hold a masters’ degree in Spiritual
Psychology. I’m also founder & owner of Bless & Clear, which creates
and officiates all kinds of sacred ceremonies. This five year old company not only
does weddings and ‘Conscious Decoupling’ ceremonies but we are called regularly
for House blessings and Clearing ceremonies. My gifts as a medium and channel
are exercised regularly in this capacity.


you give me an example of a personal experience within the metaphysical realm?


During wedding ceremonies, if a couple has
asked me to include loved ones who are on the other side, I will go into a
light trance during their ceremony and if possible, connect with their loved
one. I then communicate for the loved one, to the bride or groom who is
related. There’s always gasps and or tears from them as they recognize the
personality I’m describing and communicating for. I’m always pleasant surprised
and appreciate the validation. I didn’t know their loved one but they did. What
a gift to know that your mom, dad, sister or whomever you loved so much – did
not miss your special day!

On the not so warm and fuzzy side, I have
made a personal decision regarding house clearings. I now refer other ministers
(who are more suited for this kind of work) if the location is under siege by
an angry entity; this after an angry entity decided to, literally attack me.
His punch to my stomach felt like a soft electrical surge, “ZZZZZZ!”  Freaky! I write about this moment in my
book. After this, I figured, I don’t go
into bad neighborhoods on THIS side of the veil, why should I cross to go into
a bad one?  Not everybody is designed to
be a cop. I’m more a …firefighter! I’d rather use water than gunpowder! So the
extent of my house clearings, now, is energy pockets, debris left by emotional
expressions.  And that’s as ‘spooky’ as it gets for me, now!  Since
making this decision and setting this boundary, I’ve come across a couple homes
where I couldn’t even walk through the front door.  They were empty and I was to clear the
dwellings as part of paving the way for their remodeling and selling. – I
handed those over to one of our other ministers!!

[“There is no life after death. Because there is no death. There is only life, after life, after life.” – The Secrets of Lost]


How long did you work on the book?


Eight months. I dedicated every evening
after 7pm and a lot of weekends. I type 110wpm (with about 20 errors! LOL!) so
it was really just about purging all of this information. It was also a
blissful process as I was joined by my Spirit Guides in the process of its
creation. I remember one night when they had me rearrange about nine chapters.
It took about two hours and I knew that I couldn’t stop until they were done.
Moving huge chunks of information from one place to another. As soon as I’d
move one chunk, I’d get direction on which chunk to go get next and where to
put it.  This was both a clairsentient
& clairvoyant experience. I dared not try to understand what they were
doing – why they were telling me what they were telling me. Finally, I felt
complete.  The instructions stopped.  I was exhausted and a smidge annoyed! Like,
“damn you guys! OMG! What WAS all that?!” I was excited to sleep then wake up
refreshed and go re-read the first 200 pages. It was like reading the
manuscript for the first time. What had transpired the night before was

BREAKAWAY DAILY: What is the books ultimate meaning? What message is it looking to achieve?


Reincarnation is cool but…old news. Try
this: all lifetimes are happening NOW – at once! Like… at this moment, you
(reader) are living several incarnations in several dimensions SIMULTANEOUS to
this one.  What? Yeah! The people who are
in your Spirit Family, like your relatives, close friends and even associates,
are also part of these other incarnations but you may all be playing different
roles with each other. The purpose of these roles and interaction is for the
individual growth and evolution of each of us.
Each lifetime affects the others. The quality of your relationships with
people in this dimension affects the quality of your relationships with them in
OTHER dimensions!  The implications of
this are massive on numerous angles.
Ultimately, the book gives the reader an opportunity to get grounded in
the reality that we are all eternal spirit beings.  Spirit beings currently having a temporary,
but hopefully super cool, human experience. AND that because of what we really
are – what we’re made of – how we’re designed in essence,  we can create this human experience pretty
much anyway we want to. Literally.


How can one characterize what happens when the body dies?


Continuation is the word that keeps popping
up for me.  It is like walking from one
room into another. The most fascinating part is your mind – the part of you
that is communicating with me right now, stays conscious the entire time and
doesn’t stop! Ever! It simply has been released from the physical body. I used
to enjoy saying when our bodies die we “pop” out of our bodies but it’s actually
more of a floating.  It’s an easy
graceful experience that we’ve all done a multitude times!


BREAKAWAY DAILY: What has your response been from readers?


“I’m so glad you wrote this. Thank you so much”.  Another wrote, “I’m loving your book. It’s
making me feel exactly like you said it would”.
That latter quote is from a woman whose mom just transitioned two months
ago.  I was actually worried about her
reading the book too soon! But it’s helping her heal!

BREAKAWAY DAILY: Where can your book be purchased?


Amazon and Kindle; we will be doing our
$0.99 campaign on Kindle from April 4th – 8th, afterwards
returning to its $9.99 price point. 

Discover more about The Secrets of Lost: The Validity of
Multidimensional Existence and author Rev. Gillian V. Harris on

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