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On Freedom and Revolt: Interview with Carl Moyler

On Freedom and Revolt: Interview with Carl Moyler

Breakaway Magazine

Author Carl E. Moyler pens a compelling comparison between two Nobel Prize winners – Albert Camus and Martin Luther, Jr. The comparison addresses major concerns about tyranny, injustice,, racism, poverty, exploitation and war. Moyler uncovers and reveals in his book that neither man was willing to stand in the face of these devestating issues and do nothing. Moyler finds common ground for the two men In presenting these issues in spite of their differences in terms of racial and cultural backgrounds – one a humane agnostic and the other a seminary trained, in God we trust, preacher.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your literary background?

Carl E Moyler: Born in Newport News Virginia- one of eight children.  He currently resides in Dayton, Ohio. He was a graduate of West Virginia State University in 1954 with a major in foreign languages. He holds a Master’s degree in French from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland Ohio. He holds a Masters degree in Educational Leadership from University of Dayon, Dayton, Ohio. He holds a PhD in Comparative Literatue from the Union/ Institue University, Cincinnati, Ohio. He was a highschool teacher of French and Spanish, a high school principal, a Dayton Schools supervisor of curriculum/instruction, a program educator at Urbana University, Urbana Ohio. At present, he is the founder and owner of a small business; The Don Pablo Academy of World Languages and Mathematics Tutoring, K-12, Dayton Ohio.

As to literary background, I have done the following: 1. Comfiled a handbook of succesful foreign language teaching strategies for teachers, 2 Writeen 9 unpublished children’s short stories. 3. Written and had published book entitled, ” The Successful Student Handbook” which was designed to help students with help from teachers, parents, grandparents. etc, to succeed in their classes, for grades 5- thru university and my PhD. dissertation, “On Freedom and Revolt : A Comparative Investigation. ”

Can you describe your book on Fredom and Revolt: A Comparative Investigation

The back cover of the book contains good description of the book contents. I am forwarding a copy. Further, pages 5 and 6 provide description pages and are included

My Masters Degree thesis was about Albert Camus and it was my original plan to include the reseach ito the Phd. However, as I continue searching along these lines and connections, I continued encountering references to Dr. King. So, I discovered in reading more in depth from Dr. King’s writings that there were significant similarities in the thought of these two menso instead of continuing writing of one Nobel Prize winners bringing to light for the literary world a research that had never been done before. This is a principal hall mark of dissertation investigation; discovering and expounding on new territory. I realized that my job would be more difficult and long but the new territory pushed me forward.

Why did you want to feature Camus” and Martin Luthers King’s work?

Neither man was willing to stand in the presence of tyranny, oppression, racism, exploitation, murder and war and do nothing. Therefore, they both revoldted for hope courage, freedom, optimism, hope, justice and love.

How did you go about your research for the book?

  1. Identified ten common grounds and two uncommon grounds. (See chapter 4)
  2. I used the primary sources from the seven books from Camus and the five books from Dr. King and numerous secondary sources as noted in the bibliography and the University of Dayton and the Miami University, (Oxford, Ohio) libraries for research verification and documentation.

What other books do you suggest for folds interested in learning more about Albert Camus and Martun Luther King. Jr?

Based on their beliefs in the brotherhood of humans beings, I believe that they would be leaders in the fore front of nonviolkent protest against the violencce, tyranny, racism, murder and plague that is taking place in so many places in our world today. Both men would be using their influence in unlimited measure in search of civility and peace.

How long did it take your to write?

I needed two and one half years for classes and research and one and half year to defend and verify the dissertation findings and position/truths.

The book is available from Amazon.

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