Breakaway Daily interview with Patrice Shavone Brown, author of self-help book Secrets Of A Crazy Mental Health Counselor

Patrice Shavone Brown admits in Secrets Of A Crazy Mental Health Counselor that counselors are not perfect. Counselors keep secrets and they have issues too. The book pulls back the veil to reveal that counselors, like the rest of us, have a lot of things they have to deal with each day. It goes into the world of one counselor, Patrice Shavone Brown, who has never had life easy. You will learn about her deep dark struggles, the kind of struggles no one will ever reveal. This book will leave you inspired to find out someone else is struggling and has still managed to keep going. If you are a counselor, aspiring counselor, entrepreneur, or anyone facing difficulties in their lives each day, you will no doubt find this book helpful. The book tells a story about life issues and how to overcome all traps that have been set up to make people fail; it teachers people to stay motivated even when they are faced with adversities. “Everyone has their own individual self-worth, uniqueness, talents and gifts which are given for a purpose,” says Patrice. “Learn how to be an overcomer of those barriers to fulfill your purpose in life!”BREAKAWAY DAILY: Secrets Of a Crazy Mental health counselor will be able to help a lot of people. Do you plan any follow up books?
PATRICE: Yes, I do plan on following up with three additional books after this one. A Fat Girls Confidence is the next follow up. Followed by Restoring Bodies And Minds Therapy Workbook and The Motivational Room. I have a children’s book that will be released June 15, 2017 called We Blend Well Together. Each book that I named has a self-help purpose behind it. Each book that I write will be purposely focused on the family, individual and or children. I’m a writer that focuses on the unit not just one person or thing.
BREAKAWAY DAILY: What do you think makes a strong self-help book?
PATRICE: A strong self-help book is based on the actual experience of the expert. The self-help techniques that are being shared should really be able to help and should have already been tested. No one wants to read a self-help book that doesn’t really help give clarity about the particular topic discussed. The solutions expressed in the self-help book should be reliable to the readers.

“I’m different. The world needs more different people stepping up & speaking their truths.”
BREAKAWAY DAILY: What inspired you to write Secrets Of A Crazy Mental Health Counselor?
PATRICE: My inspiration is my passion as a counselor to help people each day. You see I have been helping people for thirteen years professionally, but I actually started helping others as a child. Certain people are called to complete specific jobs for the lord! I am working and walking within my purpose that he has made for me. I want people to know that counselors have issues too. We are not perfect by sling shot. We make mistakes, but ethics paints a picture of moral robots. I also wanted to share my secrets as a counselor, my success story and my failures.
BREAKAWAY DAILY: What are your ambitions for your writing career?
PATRICE: My ambitions is keep sharing me with the world. I’m different and the world needs more different people stepping up and speaking their truths. My writings will forever live on even when I’m dead, so that’s more than enough ambition for me. My writings speak of who I am with my African American culture as a counselor.
BREAKAWAY DAILY: When did you decide to become a writer?
PATRICE: That’s funny, I have always been a writer. I just decided last year to publish my works and writing because the world was missing my voice, my views and my experiences. As an expert, I have so much information about myself, culture and career that’s been voided for years. Now is my time to share myself with the world in hopes of motivating and inspiring little girls and boys all over. I need to be a motivation for the single moms and teenage girls or any woman who has struggled in her love life, career, parenting and education.
BREAKAWAY DAILY: While writing Secrets Of A Crazy Mental Health Counselor, was there anything challenging?
PATRICE: Yes, as I wrote Secrets Of a Crazy A Mental Health Counselor I was challenged by time. You see I wrote my entire book; no ghost writers or editors. I was time challenged because I am still a full time counselor, full time mom without a nanny, and now a full time writer. Along with this I had three loved ones battling Cancer. My best friend Calvin Fuller died on May 3, 2017 as I pushed for a release date. My other friend is still battling cancer, and my mom was in the hospital paralyzed battling cancer as I battled this book with my story. So time has not been in my side while writing this book.
BREAKAWAY DAILY: What do you like to do when not writing?
PATRICE: In my free time I love to travel, laugh, listen to music, sing, drink wine and be worry free!
BREAKAWAY DAILY: Being worry free is definitely the best pastime! How can readers discover more about you and your work?
PATRICE: They can visit and/or and contact me directly there.
Secrets of A Crazy Mental Health Counselor is available on Amazon.

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