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James and Steph Purpura started Powerful U to help you discover your own unlimited potential

James and Steph Purpura started Powerful U to help you discover your own unlimited potential

Breakaway Magazine
  • Los Angeles, California

Powerful U is a revolutionary personal evolution company founded by James and Steph Purpura that is focused on improving the human condition. Their goal is to “improve the lives of billions of people,” one person at a time. According to James and Steph, “Everything you are, everything you see, everything you experience, is determined by perception. It is your emotions that give your life the only meaning it has.” The philosophy behind Powerful U is that no person has ever made a bad decision. People make what they believe to be the best decision for themselves based on the information they have. So, what causes bad decisions is bad information. The basic belief behind Powerful U is that if you can learn to adjust your perception, you can gain better information and therefore begin making life-enhancing decisions. 

“We want to help people tap into your their unlimited potential, so that they can create a successful and fulfilling life. “

The Founders

James and Steph Purpura each have their own fascinating stories of struggle and hopelessness before taking control of their lives. The couple have worked together for years to take control of their own lives. Now a new book and movie, both titled Perception: Seeing Is Not Believing, tells their story and the insights they had that allowed them to start from rock bottom and build successful, meaningful lives together.

After turning to petty theft to fuel a drug addiction, James found himself in prison, locked in solitary confinement. At rock bottom, with seemingly no prospects for a successful life, he had a realization. Either he was in control of his life, or he wasn’t. If he wasn’t, there was no reason to try to improve anything. But if he was in control, that meant no matter his circumstances, he had the power within him to create a new life for himself.

Having suffered for decades from being sexually abused as a child, Steph found herself depressed, bulimic, and running from an abusive relationship. Alone in a hotel room, she attempted suicide. Another person at rock bottom, with no hope of a successful future, she came to a conclusion: She had to own her life or lose it.

After their personal epiphanies, James and Steph began creating a new life together. They describe their journey:

“Why did we end up in these desperate situations? What was the cause? We made a pact with each other that we were going to rebuild our lives. We had lived lives full of fear, frustration, and disappointment. We each accepted responsibility for the lives we had created, even if we did not fully understand how we had done it. But we believed that if we owned it that meant we could change it. We set out on a journey to find out how life works, so that we could figure out a way to consciously create a new life for ourselves.”

By adjusting their perceptions, the Pupuras were able to build successful, fulfilling lives. They started Powerful U to make the tools and knowledge that made their success possible available to everyone.


The first sentence of Powerful U’s mission statement is, “We are seekers who find the state of humanity inadequate.” This is the basic problem they seek to solve by helping people change their perception of the world and their place in it. Powerful U seeks to improve people’s lives by inspiring them to tap into their own unlimited potential. Through a personalized combination of philosophy, science, technology, and community, Powerful U helps people shift their perceptions to achieve success in areas such as self-esteem, mental well-being, physical health, relationships, career and finances.

The idea behind Powerful U is simple, yet profound. Every person already has the capability within themselves to be successful. They’re mission then isn’t so much to teach people new skills or provide additional resources. They want to help people tap into their own unrealized potential and utilize the skills and resources they already have to create a successful life. People do this through personal evolution.

“The journey of personal evolution is the process of shifting your perception by removing the contradicting thoughts, beliefs, and actions that stand between who you are now and who you want to become.”

Movie & Book

In their new movie and book, the Purpuras tell their story and delve into the insights they had that changed their lives. They don’t just tell their own story though. They go deeper into the psychology that keeps people trapped in states of depression, apathy, and unfulfillment, and they present the practical methods they’ve discovered to expand their perceptions and start the journey toward personal evolution. The film will take viewers on the parallel journeys of two people who fell deep into the matrix. Looking deep into how they navigated their worlds, and exploring how we can forever transform our lives by evolving our perception.

“The book is not meant to be a personal development book; it is meant to create a fundamental shift inside you by redefining the way you think about all your experiences and reshaping how you experience your life. It doesn’t matter where you are currently in your life, whether you are at the top of your field, just getting started, or somewhere in between. We hope this book will challenge people on a very deep level. If you take the time to fully understand the concepts and apply them to your life, you will achieve a level of self-mastery you never dreamed possible.”


If you’re interested in learning more about the Purpuras and the philosophy behind Powerful U, you can attend one of their live events. At one of these two to three day events you can see over thirty top international speakers (including influencers, visionaries, and entrepreneurs) present their unique knowledge and discuss their own experiences with personal evolution. The events will open a world of possibilities to you and expand your awareness of your own potential, so that you can start your own evolution to become the best version of you. These transformative events teach personal power through responsibility, controlling perceptions, understanding purpose, and harnessing emotions.

For more information on Powerful U visit their official website.

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